Wednesday 18 June 2014

How I started...

To go back to basics, I thought I’d explain how I first started crochet. I suppose I have always liked art, music etc., but not particularly crafts. In saying that, my Mum was extremely artistic and my Grandma spent hours, days, months and years making stunning quilts, cross-stitching and embroidery.

During Uni as stress relief, I started doing cross-stitch which I learnt from my Grandma. For those of you who don’t know, cross-stitch is very delicate and time consuming. As I got better, I made some beautiful wall pieces for friends with babies and bookmarks for family. Sadly, my Grandma passed away, but I kept going with the cross-stitch.


After Uni, life got a bit busy and probably a bit stressful as well. For some reason or another, I stopped doing cross-stitch. I have a box of bookmarks and wall art which I either never touched or finished. One day hopefully I can gift these to someone to complete them for me.

So, I’d basically left craft behind. Then, about 3 years ago, my Mum, aged 52, was unexpectedly diagnosed with melanoma of unknown primary. She took up crocheting to help her bide time in endless hospital waiting rooms. As she experienced a lot of pain, she was often kept awake at night. I remember her sitting on the lounge, drifting in and out of sleep, with a crochet hook in one hand and her yarn in the other. It’s incredible how much she achieved doing this!! At times she would even look like she was sleep-crocheting!

To help me also get through this difficult time, she started to teach me how to crochet. She showed me the basics – like how to hold the hook (though, I don’t think I hold it “technically” right, it’s the way that feels best for me), yarn etc. She told me to look at You Tube and keep PRACTICING, PRACTICING, PRACTICING! I had some REALLY bad first attempts. But then, I finally did it.

Before I knew it, I could do a simple granny square. Nothing fancy, no colour changes, just a simple granny square.

One of my first granny square blankets - bit wonky!

After that, I decided I wanted to learn more, so I went to a learn to crochet class here in Brisbane (the place I went to has sadly shut down). I know there are some other great learn to crochet classes – such as the Tangled Yarns classes over near James Street in the Valley (

My first granny square cushion - from learn to crochet classes. Simple plain 8ply wool from Lincraft! 

Sadly my Mum passed away 2 years ago. But the crochet she taught me, among the countless other things she taught me, has stuck with me. 

One of the granny square blankets my Mum started when she was sick but never finished. One of my goals is to finish this for her. 

Over the years I’ve developed my skills a bit more. I find some things incredibly frustrating and have moments where I’ve had enough. Then I’ll go back to it again.
Even though I’m only 28 years old, I don’t think crochet is just for older people. I’d like to see more people my age not worry about what is “cool” or “trendy” and get into things they love. 

I personally think crochet can be trendy and fashionable. This was the first scarf I made using a super simple shell motif. Pity the wool scratched like hell and I have never worn it for that reason!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

An introduction

Hello fellow crochet lovers.

I've started this blog not only to share my love of crochet, but also to try and motivate myself to complete my numerous crochet projects - I'm hoping that having to post photos and updates will keep me going! I'm not sure if you are the same, but I find about 1/4-1/2 way through a project, I get a little distracted by something else and end up not finishing. The only things I seem to finish are projects for other people - like baby blankets.

So to begin, I thought I'd make a list of just a couple of things I am working on at the moment, as well as sharing a few recent completions. Over the next few weeks and months, I'll add to this list and share some of the things I've completed in the past. 

Some new projects (not all...I have heaps!!):

Excitedly awaiting the arrival of my Bohemian Rhapsody Wrap. Saw this on the Yarn Glorious Yarn Facebook page (for Brisbane peeps, here's the link: and had to get the kit immediately.

Bohemian Rhapsody Wrap.
Pic courtesy: Renaissance Dyeing (
Last night, I also started making another of the insanely cute Lalylala dolls. I remember when I took my first crochet class here in Brisbane, one of the lovely ladies who was teaching had brought along Dirk the Dragon. I had never seen something so so cute. I told her that I never thought I'd ever be good enough to make one of them, and she fiercely insisted that one day I would. Low and behold, only a couple of months after making my first granny square, I made a Bina Bear. I made two of them as well.

After giving amigarumi a rest for a quite a while, I was feeling motivated to do another of Lalylala's dolls. 

Last night, I started Lupo the Lamb. This is my progress so far - it took me about 90 minutes but I am definitely better at counting stitches now than when I did my first Bina Bear. Having a stitch marker makes a huuuuuuge difference. 

This is what the final result will (hopefully) look like:

Lalylala's Lupo the Lamb
Pic courtesy: Lalylala (
I tried to post a progress shot, but I'm pretty bad at this blogging thing and it came out the wrong way around! I will get the hang of it eventually. 

Some completed projects (seems my WIP is far greater than my completed list):

I'll continue in each blog post to add some of the projects that I've completed. I particularly love doing baby projects, as there's nothing more awesome than gifting something handmade to a newborn. It's SO worth all the time and effort.

Here's a blanket I made for one of my best friends (sorry, I didn't make the card - it is incredible though!):

Large granny square baby blanket - Ashley Gordon

Large granny square baby blanket - Ashley Gordon

Large granny square baby blanket - Ashley Gordon
I used a beautiful soft wool which I ordered all the way from the US to here in Australia. I'll try update some of my posts in the future so that I include links to patterns where I can as well as the yarn I used. 

My friend also referred to her bun in the oven as "Bunny", so as a welcoming gift, I made a small amigarumi bunny. This now sits in her little Bunny's cot. I'll post a pic of this another time.