Sunday 22 March 2015

Times are changing!

You might have noticed my recent cheeky name change. After much deliberation about what I want to do with my increasing interest in crochet, I've decided to take a bit more of a proactive interest in sharing my projects on this blog. Hopefully I can inspire some peeps and encourage more of us young bloods to take up hooking ;) Being a hooker is FUN.

Since my last post, which was quiteeeee some time ago, I've finished some quite large and some special smaller projects.

African Flower Baby Blanket

Made with love for one of my best friends who is due with her first next month (gender unknown). Although I'd really hate to count how many hours I actually spent making this one, I really, really enjoyed it - it was particularly special. Barbara Smith's beautiful African Flower Square Tutorial was my starting point - head here if you want to create your own.

Finished Product getting blocked
Hunted around everywhere for a cheap version of these kids puzzle squares - Kmart is your go-to!
Construction. Unwelcome helper, Miss Z.

What happens when you don't sew in your ends as you go. Left with a tangly nightmare. 
Can't remember what wool I used for this off the top of my head...oops.

Lalylala Amigarumi Toys (see

I've made quite a few of the funky cute Lalylala toys now - once you've done one, the rest seem to happen quite easily! Having a stitch marker is my biggest tip for anyone who want to create amigarumi toys and the like. I can't believe I did my first Lalylala toy without a stitch marker....I'm surprised it's bottom didn't end up around it's head.....

Meet Fibi the Fox!
I find these toys excellent gifts for friends' kids- girls and boys alike. I've recently finished another of the Lalylala toys but as I haven't yet gifted can't yet be revealed! It's pretty cute....

Yoga (or "shopping") bag

After getting annoyed about having to take all my "stuff" to yoga without a bag (being my towel, water bottle, keys, wallet....those essentials), I decided to make myself something for a change.

Present for self
There's sooo many crochet bag patterns around, but I really liked this striped Textured Mesh Tote Bag - you can buy the pattern here. Couldn't get the colours for the bag I wanted, but what I did get I ended up quite happy with. I used Lily Sugar & Cream wool - it's brilliant for this type of thing (I'd probably find it too stiff for making much else than bags, bowls etc.).

Hopefully my next post won't be too far off - I've got a lot of projects on the go and about to start a new one tonight...perhaps a preview blog of the yarn I bought today might be in order...

Till a hooker but don't judge me.

Monday 11 August 2014

Winter chills, crosses and crochet

I can finally reveal another finished project today. My cousin’s birthday is in late July, so for this year’s prezzy I decided to make her something. Being utterly FREEZING cold where she lives (unlike the quite warm, sunny climate we get here in Queensland in winter), I thought I’d make her a scarf.

Crochet scarf - Panda Cotton "Modern Vintage"
The pattern for this scarf is from the Panda Cotton “Modern Vintage” crochet book. This was actually the very first crochet pattern book I ever got (and was the basis behind my granny square cushion, which was the first project I ever finished!!). I’ve looked at the book so much that the cover has entirely fallen off.

I’ve actually tried to make this scarf 3-4 times before, but never get around to finishing it. The scarf was one of the most beautiful pieces in the book – I took a liking to it straight away. However, the idea of the pom poms petrified me – I had NO idea how to do them. I asked my crochet teacher at the time for help….I think it went in one ear and out the other…so I gave up, and never finished a complete scarf.

Now I’ve got a bit more experience under my hook (haha), I finally did a scarf AND managed to do the pom poms! I had to swot Zoe the Quirky (one of my cats) off me a couple of times as the pom poms looked a little appealing to her. Don’t blame her, they’re pretty cute (and so is she).

Belated as it was, the scarf was lovingly popped in the post and headed down to the chilly city my cousin resides in. I hope she gets lots of wear out of it (and that it stays in one piece, particularly those pom poms!!).

I’ve got a couple of other things on the go at the moment – 2 are gifts – 1 that I’m driving myself for an upcoming wedding, the other a special request from a friend. I’ll be sure to post these up in the next few months once they’ve been gifted to their owners.

The home reno’s my husband and I have had going on at home are almost finished – just a couple of small things here and there. One of these smaller things for me to do (among spray painting and err hanging stuff up) is to find some wall art/pieces for my very blank second wall in the living room. I LOVE the Ahoy Trader ( crosses, tiles and portholes, so I’ll be sure to get some of those on the wall (in addition to the beautiful cross I have in my kitchen). I have a particular like for crucifixes, as my late Mum had a stunning crucifix/plate wall up in her house – with plates/crosses collected across her travels. 

My Ahoy Trader cross - off to Byron soon to buy some more!
I’d like to mix the crosses, tiles and portholes up with something else…so today I decided I am going to make a beautiful crochet mandala – this pattern is from the CAROcreated Etsy shop. I’ve ordered the wool all the way from the USA in colours to match my Urban Road painting (see I hope it turns out ok…..time (and patience!) will only tell.

Crochet Mandala pattern from CAROcreated on Etsy

Till then…

Saturday 19 July 2014

There's just not enough

...hours in the day! Sometimes I wish I could quit my job and spend all day crocheting. Maybe not a great idea though.

There's also just not enough room on my coffee table for all my current projects. Oops. At the moment, I have countless projects on the go. Being placed on the coffee table though means that I really am trying to finish something!

This week I started making the "Valerie" top which is in the Debbie Bliss "Simply Crochet" book. I've already made the "Darcey" dress from this book which was the first dress I'd ever made...I was thrilled with how it came out.
Darcey dress from Debbie Bliss "Simply Crochet"
A terrible selfie of me wearing the Darcey dress. Was stoked with how it came out.
I've chosen different colours for the Valerie top - I've gone with the main colour as navy primary colour and cream trim for this one - same wool as the pattern requires though (Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino). So soft, so I imagine it's going to be pretty nice to wear.

Valerie top from Debbie Bliss "Simply Crochet". My WIP.

Also on my coffee table is the project that feels like it never ends....namely the blanket I'm supposed to be making for my lounge. It's another Attic 24 Neat Ripple pattern...I love it, so easy. This is what I've done so far.

I'm using Biggan Design DK Merino wool in black and natural - from Beautiful and soft, but pretty exy wool...which means it'll probably cost me a fortune to make...but I figure it's a bit nicer than just buying a throw...?!

I'm really excited to finally be able to share with you the Lalylala Lupo the Lamb I made for one of my friends, Christina, who is expecting a bub in 5 weeks time!

Gorgeous Christina kindly agreed to be on my blog with her Lupo - yay!!!

Lupo the Lamb

I first discovered the Lalylala patterns when I went to my first crochet class at Threads and More here in Brisbane (sadly they've now closed down). One of the teachers had this awesome, cute little amigarumi dragon she'd made. At the time, I remember saying to her I'd never, ever be good enough to make something like that. She insisted that with practice, I would. And here I am...I've now made 4 of the Lalylala dolls...and I think another one might be on the cards soon. They're super gorgeous with their big round bobble heads, and the patterns are easy to follow. You can buy the patterns here:

Hopefully my next blog update will mean I've actually finished more's hoping haha!

Monday 14 July 2014

Lots of babies (and lots of projects!)

I'm quite happily occupied with my baby crochet projects at the moment. Tons of friends are having babies (I must be at that "age"...), and I absolutely love making things for their bubs. 

Based on the Attic24 Neat Ripple Pattern (, I recently finished this for my friend's bub. Not knowing whether it was going to be a boy or a girl, I threw some crazy colours together, mixed up with black, white, different shades of pink and blue and even a fluro green. I really wanted a "Missoni" inspired colour scheme (but perhaps in more "fun" and kid happy colours). At first I was really unsure about the colour combination I'd chosen. I have a terrible habit of starting things, not being sure about them, then never finishing them. But I am SO glad I finished this one, because I think it came out looking pretty rad for the little baby boy that now has it in his pram!

Neat Ripple Blanket for Baby Boy H.

Baby blanket detail. It's really important when I'm making these baby blankets that the wool is nice and soft. Nothing worse than an itchy blanket...and a baby that can't even say anything about it!
Another friend is expecting a bub and I'll be able to reveal what I made for her after this coming weekend...although I get excited at what I've finished, I'd hate to spoil the surprise. 

Going to try get back into the Janie Crow Crochet Club this weekend too. Crochet Club started in February, and involves them sending you a pattern every month until you put it all together at the end for the "big reveal" (have a look at It's pretty awesome as they send you all the wool and beading...all the way from the UK. Due to my home reno's/other craziness, embarrassingly I'm still stuck on the February patterns and haven't gone any further. Now I've finished my latest baby project though, it's time I started to catch up...! 
Where I left off...Janie Crow Crochet Club

Wednesday 18 June 2014

How I started...

To go back to basics, I thought I’d explain how I first started crochet. I suppose I have always liked art, music etc., but not particularly crafts. In saying that, my Mum was extremely artistic and my Grandma spent hours, days, months and years making stunning quilts, cross-stitching and embroidery.

During Uni as stress relief, I started doing cross-stitch which I learnt from my Grandma. For those of you who don’t know, cross-stitch is very delicate and time consuming. As I got better, I made some beautiful wall pieces for friends with babies and bookmarks for family. Sadly, my Grandma passed away, but I kept going with the cross-stitch.


After Uni, life got a bit busy and probably a bit stressful as well. For some reason or another, I stopped doing cross-stitch. I have a box of bookmarks and wall art which I either never touched or finished. One day hopefully I can gift these to someone to complete them for me.

So, I’d basically left craft behind. Then, about 3 years ago, my Mum, aged 52, was unexpectedly diagnosed with melanoma of unknown primary. She took up crocheting to help her bide time in endless hospital waiting rooms. As she experienced a lot of pain, she was often kept awake at night. I remember her sitting on the lounge, drifting in and out of sleep, with a crochet hook in one hand and her yarn in the other. It’s incredible how much she achieved doing this!! At times she would even look like she was sleep-crocheting!

To help me also get through this difficult time, she started to teach me how to crochet. She showed me the basics – like how to hold the hook (though, I don’t think I hold it “technically” right, it’s the way that feels best for me), yarn etc. She told me to look at You Tube and keep PRACTICING, PRACTICING, PRACTICING! I had some REALLY bad first attempts. But then, I finally did it.

Before I knew it, I could do a simple granny square. Nothing fancy, no colour changes, just a simple granny square.

One of my first granny square blankets - bit wonky!

After that, I decided I wanted to learn more, so I went to a learn to crochet class here in Brisbane (the place I went to has sadly shut down). I know there are some other great learn to crochet classes – such as the Tangled Yarns classes over near James Street in the Valley (

My first granny square cushion - from learn to crochet classes. Simple plain 8ply wool from Lincraft! 

Sadly my Mum passed away 2 years ago. But the crochet she taught me, among the countless other things she taught me, has stuck with me. 

One of the granny square blankets my Mum started when she was sick but never finished. One of my goals is to finish this for her. 

Over the years I’ve developed my skills a bit more. I find some things incredibly frustrating and have moments where I’ve had enough. Then I’ll go back to it again.
Even though I’m only 28 years old, I don’t think crochet is just for older people. I’d like to see more people my age not worry about what is “cool” or “trendy” and get into things they love. 

I personally think crochet can be trendy and fashionable. This was the first scarf I made using a super simple shell motif. Pity the wool scratched like hell and I have never worn it for that reason!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

An introduction

Hello fellow crochet lovers.

I've started this blog not only to share my love of crochet, but also to try and motivate myself to complete my numerous crochet projects - I'm hoping that having to post photos and updates will keep me going! I'm not sure if you are the same, but I find about 1/4-1/2 way through a project, I get a little distracted by something else and end up not finishing. The only things I seem to finish are projects for other people - like baby blankets.

So to begin, I thought I'd make a list of just a couple of things I am working on at the moment, as well as sharing a few recent completions. Over the next few weeks and months, I'll add to this list and share some of the things I've completed in the past. 

Some new projects (not all...I have heaps!!):

Excitedly awaiting the arrival of my Bohemian Rhapsody Wrap. Saw this on the Yarn Glorious Yarn Facebook page (for Brisbane peeps, here's the link: and had to get the kit immediately.

Bohemian Rhapsody Wrap.
Pic courtesy: Renaissance Dyeing (
Last night, I also started making another of the insanely cute Lalylala dolls. I remember when I took my first crochet class here in Brisbane, one of the lovely ladies who was teaching had brought along Dirk the Dragon. I had never seen something so so cute. I told her that I never thought I'd ever be good enough to make one of them, and she fiercely insisted that one day I would. Low and behold, only a couple of months after making my first granny square, I made a Bina Bear. I made two of them as well.

After giving amigarumi a rest for a quite a while, I was feeling motivated to do another of Lalylala's dolls. 

Last night, I started Lupo the Lamb. This is my progress so far - it took me about 90 minutes but I am definitely better at counting stitches now than when I did my first Bina Bear. Having a stitch marker makes a huuuuuuge difference. 

This is what the final result will (hopefully) look like:

Lalylala's Lupo the Lamb
Pic courtesy: Lalylala (
I tried to post a progress shot, but I'm pretty bad at this blogging thing and it came out the wrong way around! I will get the hang of it eventually. 

Some completed projects (seems my WIP is far greater than my completed list):

I'll continue in each blog post to add some of the projects that I've completed. I particularly love doing baby projects, as there's nothing more awesome than gifting something handmade to a newborn. It's SO worth all the time and effort.

Here's a blanket I made for one of my best friends (sorry, I didn't make the card - it is incredible though!):

Large granny square baby blanket - Ashley Gordon

Large granny square baby blanket - Ashley Gordon

Large granny square baby blanket - Ashley Gordon
I used a beautiful soft wool which I ordered all the way from the US to here in Australia. I'll try update some of my posts in the future so that I include links to patterns where I can as well as the yarn I used. 

My friend also referred to her bun in the oven as "Bunny", so as a welcoming gift, I made a small amigarumi bunny. This now sits in her little Bunny's cot. I'll post a pic of this another time.