Sunday 22 March 2015

Times are changing!

You might have noticed my recent cheeky name change. After much deliberation about what I want to do with my increasing interest in crochet, I've decided to take a bit more of a proactive interest in sharing my projects on this blog. Hopefully I can inspire some peeps and encourage more of us young bloods to take up hooking ;) Being a hooker is FUN.

Since my last post, which was quiteeeee some time ago, I've finished some quite large and some special smaller projects.

African Flower Baby Blanket

Made with love for one of my best friends who is due with her first next month (gender unknown). Although I'd really hate to count how many hours I actually spent making this one, I really, really enjoyed it - it was particularly special. Barbara Smith's beautiful African Flower Square Tutorial was my starting point - head here if you want to create your own.

Finished Product getting blocked
Hunted around everywhere for a cheap version of these kids puzzle squares - Kmart is your go-to!
Construction. Unwelcome helper, Miss Z.

What happens when you don't sew in your ends as you go. Left with a tangly nightmare. 
Can't remember what wool I used for this off the top of my head...oops.

Lalylala Amigarumi Toys (see

I've made quite a few of the funky cute Lalylala toys now - once you've done one, the rest seem to happen quite easily! Having a stitch marker is my biggest tip for anyone who want to create amigarumi toys and the like. I can't believe I did my first Lalylala toy without a stitch marker....I'm surprised it's bottom didn't end up around it's head.....

Meet Fibi the Fox!
I find these toys excellent gifts for friends' kids- girls and boys alike. I've recently finished another of the Lalylala toys but as I haven't yet gifted can't yet be revealed! It's pretty cute....

Yoga (or "shopping") bag

After getting annoyed about having to take all my "stuff" to yoga without a bag (being my towel, water bottle, keys, wallet....those essentials), I decided to make myself something for a change.

Present for self
There's sooo many crochet bag patterns around, but I really liked this striped Textured Mesh Tote Bag - you can buy the pattern here. Couldn't get the colours for the bag I wanted, but what I did get I ended up quite happy with. I used Lily Sugar & Cream wool - it's brilliant for this type of thing (I'd probably find it too stiff for making much else than bags, bowls etc.).

Hopefully my next post won't be too far off - I've got a lot of projects on the go and about to start a new one tonight...perhaps a preview blog of the yarn I bought today might be in order...

Till a hooker but don't judge me.

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