Monday 11 August 2014

Winter chills, crosses and crochet

I can finally reveal another finished project today. My cousin’s birthday is in late July, so for this year’s prezzy I decided to make her something. Being utterly FREEZING cold where she lives (unlike the quite warm, sunny climate we get here in Queensland in winter), I thought I’d make her a scarf.

Crochet scarf - Panda Cotton "Modern Vintage"
The pattern for this scarf is from the Panda Cotton “Modern Vintage” crochet book. This was actually the very first crochet pattern book I ever got (and was the basis behind my granny square cushion, which was the first project I ever finished!!). I’ve looked at the book so much that the cover has entirely fallen off.

I’ve actually tried to make this scarf 3-4 times before, but never get around to finishing it. The scarf was one of the most beautiful pieces in the book – I took a liking to it straight away. However, the idea of the pom poms petrified me – I had NO idea how to do them. I asked my crochet teacher at the time for help….I think it went in one ear and out the other…so I gave up, and never finished a complete scarf.

Now I’ve got a bit more experience under my hook (haha), I finally did a scarf AND managed to do the pom poms! I had to swot Zoe the Quirky (one of my cats) off me a couple of times as the pom poms looked a little appealing to her. Don’t blame her, they’re pretty cute (and so is she).

Belated as it was, the scarf was lovingly popped in the post and headed down to the chilly city my cousin resides in. I hope she gets lots of wear out of it (and that it stays in one piece, particularly those pom poms!!).

I’ve got a couple of other things on the go at the moment – 2 are gifts – 1 that I’m driving myself for an upcoming wedding, the other a special request from a friend. I’ll be sure to post these up in the next few months once they’ve been gifted to their owners.

The home reno’s my husband and I have had going on at home are almost finished – just a couple of small things here and there. One of these smaller things for me to do (among spray painting and err hanging stuff up) is to find some wall art/pieces for my very blank second wall in the living room. I LOVE the Ahoy Trader ( crosses, tiles and portholes, so I’ll be sure to get some of those on the wall (in addition to the beautiful cross I have in my kitchen). I have a particular like for crucifixes, as my late Mum had a stunning crucifix/plate wall up in her house – with plates/crosses collected across her travels. 

My Ahoy Trader cross - off to Byron soon to buy some more!
I’d like to mix the crosses, tiles and portholes up with something else…so today I decided I am going to make a beautiful crochet mandala – this pattern is from the CAROcreated Etsy shop. I’ve ordered the wool all the way from the USA in colours to match my Urban Road painting (see I hope it turns out ok…..time (and patience!) will only tell.

Crochet Mandala pattern from CAROcreated on Etsy

Till then…

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