Monday 14 July 2014

Lots of babies (and lots of projects!)

I'm quite happily occupied with my baby crochet projects at the moment. Tons of friends are having babies (I must be at that "age"...), and I absolutely love making things for their bubs. 

Based on the Attic24 Neat Ripple Pattern (, I recently finished this for my friend's bub. Not knowing whether it was going to be a boy or a girl, I threw some crazy colours together, mixed up with black, white, different shades of pink and blue and even a fluro green. I really wanted a "Missoni" inspired colour scheme (but perhaps in more "fun" and kid happy colours). At first I was really unsure about the colour combination I'd chosen. I have a terrible habit of starting things, not being sure about them, then never finishing them. But I am SO glad I finished this one, because I think it came out looking pretty rad for the little baby boy that now has it in his pram!

Neat Ripple Blanket for Baby Boy H.

Baby blanket detail. It's really important when I'm making these baby blankets that the wool is nice and soft. Nothing worse than an itchy blanket...and a baby that can't even say anything about it!
Another friend is expecting a bub and I'll be able to reveal what I made for her after this coming weekend...although I get excited at what I've finished, I'd hate to spoil the surprise. 

Going to try get back into the Janie Crow Crochet Club this weekend too. Crochet Club started in February, and involves them sending you a pattern every month until you put it all together at the end for the "big reveal" (have a look at It's pretty awesome as they send you all the wool and beading...all the way from the UK. Due to my home reno's/other craziness, embarrassingly I'm still stuck on the February patterns and haven't gone any further. Now I've finished my latest baby project though, it's time I started to catch up...! 
Where I left off...Janie Crow Crochet Club

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